A Blustery Day at Bluffers Park.

Wonderful view of Bluffers Park

Bluffers Park is the typical place that Torontonians go to cool off in the summer. Located in Toronto’s Scarborough it is easily accessable by bus (direct bus service is seasonal though). It has Lake Ontario on one side and the bluffs which rise a few hundred feet high. The bluff were created just at the end of the last Ice Age when retreating glaciers pushed them up. Most of the bluffs are sandy and crumbly remnants of morraine. With some trees growing on the crumbling sides and sometimes hanging precariously.

I ended up rushing there over the weekend since it was the last day for the direct buses to run. But the weather turned from a sunny morning to a really overcast and chilly one, with a strong cold breeze coming in from the lake much to my frustration. I lost hope of getting some good photos to share with you. Oddly enough I got some interesting ones despite the weather which I will share with you below. The cloudy sky created some nice contrasts.Enjoy them.

The bus stops right near the parking lot in front of the Marina. Which looks awesome with all the boats bobbing in the water

If you choose to drive there beware of the crowded parking sometime it can be full. The view from the parking lot says a lot about the park.

Another view of the rise to the bluffs at Bluffers Park Toronto

I turned right from the Parking area and went along the marina area along a path with some willow trees.

Look at those ducks cruising along as though they own the place mocking those boats.

Some of cool views start opening up through the trees as you move along the path which ends at a mini light house. Continue to see more images of this area as the shore changes from pebbly to rocky.

The wind picked and the waves came crashing in! Photo: Bluffers Park.
The wind picked and the waves came crashing in! (2). Photo: Bluffers Park.
The wind picked and the waves came crashing in! (3). Photo: Bluffers Park.
The wind picked and the waves came crashing in! (4). Photo: Bluffers Park.
Where water meets the sky. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Waves!!! Photo: Bluffers Park.
Water Meets the Sky!!!(2). Photos: Bluffers Park.
Tree framed the lake. Photo: Bluffers Park.
Waves….. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Blues Sky and waves. Photos: Bluffers Park.
More Waves…. Photos: Bluffers Park.
More waves….(2). Photos: Bluffers Park.
Even more waves….. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Blues sky pebbles and waves…. Photos: Bluffers Park.
The waves reached for a tree. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Framed. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Sentinel. Photos: Bluffers Park.

Back to the Beach the weather continued to get colder and the sky greyer. Here are some more image for you.

Sand, water and gulls. Photos: Bluffers Park.
A Map of Bluffers Park. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Diftwood. Photos: Bluffers Park.
A view of the Bluffs. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Beach. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Cliffs and Water. Photos: Bluffers Park.
A stroll on the beach. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Don’t fly away. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Curious. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Catch the waves. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Texture. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Texture (2). Photos: Bluffers Park.
Autumn is near. Photos: Bluffers Park.
View of the bluffs from the beach. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Diftwood. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Bluffs. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Path to the Lake. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Rivulet. Photo: Bluffers Park.
Breeze. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Path to the lake. Photos: Bluffers Park.
Where does this go? Photo: Bluffers Park.
A last view of the Lake. Photos: Bluffers Park.

I hope you liked these. Hope to go back in summer and give you some really bright photos. Stay tuned for a special post with Autumn colors.

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4 Responses

  1. naila says:

    Love the pictures. It’s amazing how you got such superb shots on an overcast day 👏👏😎😎🤩🤩🤩

  2. Farzana says:

    It’s really amazing!!!

  3. MAC says:

    Thanks I hope you have the chance to enjoy it as much as I did.